Navigating Through the Design of Object-Oriented Programs

Development ToolsSoftware EngineeringSoftware Visualization
Epameinondas Gasparis, Jonathan Nicholson, Amnon H. Eden, Rick Kazman
15th Working Conf. on Reverse Engineering—WCRE (15–18 Oct. 2008), Antwerp, Belgium
Publication year: 2008
30th International Conference on Software Engineering -- ICSE 2008

The Design Navigator: Charting Java Programs

Development ToolsSoftware EngineeringSoftware Visualization
Epameinondas Gasparis, Amnon H. Eden, Jonathan Nicholson, Rick Kazman
Companion, 30th International Conference on Software Engineering—ICSE (10–18 May 2008), Leipzig, Germany, pp. 945–946
Publication year: 2008
Formal Methods in System Design (Springer)

Modeling and Visualizing Object-Oriented Programs with Codecharts

Formal MethodsObject-Oriented ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringSoftware ModellingSoftware Visualization
Amnon H. Eden, Epameinondas Gasparis, Jonathan Nicholson
Formal Methods in System Design (Springer), Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1–28
Publication year: 2013