Information Systems Frontiers

A Theory of Object-Oriented Design

Object-Oriented ProgrammingOntologySoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden
Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Nov.–Dec. 2002), pp. 379–391. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Publication year: 2002
Mälardalen University Sweden

The Intension/Locality Hypothesis

OntologyPhilosophy of Computer ScienceSoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden, Raymond Turner
3rd European Conf. Computing And Philosophy-ECAP
Publication year: 2005
HICSS 38 (2005)

Strategic Versus Tactical Design

Software ArchitectureSoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences—HICSS’05, Honolulu, HI
Publication year: 2005
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Abstraction Classes in Software Design

Formal MethodsSoftware ArchitectureSoftware DesignSoftware EngineeringSoftware Evolution
Amnon H. Eden, Yoram Hirshfeld, Rick Kazman
IEE Software, Vol. 153, No. 4, pp. 163–182. London, UK: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Publication year: 2006
Automated Software Engineering Most Influential Paper Award

Precise Specification and Automatic Application of Design Patterns

Design PatternsDevelopment ToolsFormal MethodsObject-Oriented ProgrammingSoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden, Joseph Gil, Amiram Yehudai
In Michael Lowry, Yves Ledru (eds.) Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering conference—ASE, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, pp. 143–152
Publication year: 1997

Architecture, Design, Implementation

Formal MethodsSoftware ArchitectureSoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden, Rick Kazman
In Laurie Dillon, Walter Tichy (eds.) Proc. 25th Int'l Conf. Software Engineering—ICSE, Portland, OR, USA, pp. 149–159. Los Alamitos, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press
Publication year: 2003