Minds and Machines (Springer)

Some Philosophical Issues in Computer Science

Philosophy of Computer Science
Amnon H. Eden
Minds and Machines, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 123–133
Publication year: 2011
Applied Ontology

Problems in the ontology of computer programs

OntologyPhilosophy of Computer Science
Amnon H. Eden, Raymond Turner
Applied Ontology, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 13–36. Amsterdam: IOS Press
Publication year: 2007
Computation, Information, Cognition—The Nexus and the Liminal

Towards a Programming Language Ontology

OntologyPhilosophy of Computer Science
Raymond Turner, Amnon H. Eden
In: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Susan Stuart (eds.) Computation, Information, Cognition—The Nexus and the Liminal, pp. 147–159. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press
Publication year: 2007
Journal of Applied Logic

The Philosophy of Computer Science: Introduction

Philosophy of Computer Science
Raymond Turner, Amnon H. Eden
Journal of Applied Logic, Vol. 6, No. 4
Publication year: 2008
Mälardalen University Sweden

The Intension/Locality Hypothesis

OntologyPhilosophy of Computer ScienceSoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden, Raymond Turner
3rd European Conf. Computing And Philosophy-ECAP
Publication year: 2005
Information Systems Frontiers

A Theory of Object-Oriented Design

Object-Oriented ProgrammingOntologySoftware DesignSoftware Engineering
Amnon H. Eden
Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Nov.–Dec. 2002), pp. 379–391. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Publication year: 2002

Philosophy of Computer Science (Stanford Encyclopedia)

Philosophy of Computer Science
Raymond Turner, Amnon H. Eden
Entry in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
Publication year: 2008
Minds and Machines (Springer)

Three Paradigms of Computer Science

OntologyPhilosophy of Computer Science
Amnon H Eden
Minds and Machines, Special issue on the Philosophy of Computer Science, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 135–167
Publication year: 2007