LePUS — Symbolic-Logic Modelling of Object Oriented Architectures: A Case Study

Design PatternsSoftware EngineeringSoftware Modelling
Amnon H. Eden, Yoram Hirshfeld
Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Workshop on Software Architecture—NOSA (12–13 Aug. 1999), Ronneby, Sweden
Publication year: 1999
Concordia University, Montreal

Formal specification of object-oriented design

Design PatternsSoftware EngineeringSoftware Modelling
Amnon H Eden
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design in Engineering--CSME-MDE 2001, November 21-22, 2001, Concordia University, Montreal
Publication year: 2001
Formal Methods in System Design (Springer)

Modeling and Visualizing Object-Oriented Programs with Codecharts

Formal MethodsObject-Oriented ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringSoftware ModellingSoftware Visualization
Amnon H. Eden, Epameinondas Gasparis, Jonathan Nicholson
Formal Methods in System Design (Springer), Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1–28
Publication year: 2013

Directions in Architectural Specifications

Object-Oriented ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringSoftware Modelling
Amnon H. Eden
Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Architecture Recovery and Modelling, 8th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering—WCRE (2 Oct. 2001), Stuttgart, Germany
Publication year: 2001

Visualization of Object Oriented Architectures

Object-Oriented ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringSoftware Modelling
Amnon H. Eden
Proc. Workshop on Software Visualization, International Conference on Software Engineering—ICSE (13–14 May 2001), Toronto, Canada, pp. 5–10
Publication year: 2001