As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life — so I became an academic. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls.

— M. Cartmill
  • Principal Thinktank Sapience Project for the Study of Disruptive and Intelligent Computing


  • Lecturer in Computer Science

    University of Essex, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal


  • Fellow

    Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Advanced Studies


  • Visiting Professor

    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse — IRIT


  • Research Fellow

    Center For Inquiry, State University of New York, Buffalo


There once was an old man called Schlesser
Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser
At last it grew so small
He knew nothing at all
And now he’s a college professor

— Anon
  • Associate Editor

    Minds and Machines

    Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science (2008–2010)

Minds and Machines (Springer)
  • Editorial Board

    Science and Fiction

    Book series (Springer, since 2012)

  • Scientific Advisory Board

    Lifeboat Foundation

    Encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks from technologies such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and AI (since 2009)

  • Steering Committee

    International Association for Computing & Philosophy — IACAP

    Promotes scholarly dialogue & research on all aspects of the computational turn in philosophy (2006-2010)

  • Co-editor

    Journal of Applied Logic (Elsevier)

    Special issue on the philosophy of computer science

Journal of Applied Logic
  • Co-editor

    Minds and Machines (Springer)

    Special issue on the philosophy of computer science

Minds and Machines (Springer)
  • Chair & Organizer

    8th European Computing And Philosophy conference—ECAP 2010

    Track, Technological Singularity and Acceleration Studies

  • Chair & Organizer

    7th European Computing And Philosophy conference—ECAP 2009

    Track, Technological Singularity and Acceleration Studies

  • Chair & Organizer

    5th European Computing And Philosophy conference—ECAP 2007

    Track, Philosophy of Computer Science

  • Chair & Organizer

    7th European Computing And Philosophy conference—ECAP 2009

    Track, Philosophy of Computer Science